In response to Law 107/2015, in Italy secondary schools are now called to develop, set up and ensure within their own educational statement work-related learning routes consistent with the output students’ profiles and the cultural, social and economic development of the territory. The paper presents a first study of the content and linguistic elements of the PTOFs of the secondary schools of Bergamo and province. Through a qualitative data analysis, obtained by using Map of Kerr and software IRaMuTeQ 0,7 Alpha2, the research highlighted the main normative and conceptual references, the goals, the resources and the evaluation processes with which teachers define, describe and represent work-related learning as a strategic lever for the social and work inclusion of the students with and without disabilities
In risposta alla L. 107/2015, in Italia le scuole secondarie di II grado sono oggi chiamate a elaborare, istituire e garantire nella propria offerta formativa percorsi di alternanza scuola lavoro (ASL) coerentemente con i profili in uscita dei differenti indirizzi di studio e lo sviluppo culturale, sociale ed economico del territorio. Il presente lavoro propone un primo studio contenutistico e linguistico delle sezioni dei Piani Triennali dell’Offerta Formativa (PTOF) delle scuole secondarie di II grado di Bergamo e provincia dedicate all’ASL. Mediante una qualitative data analysis, ottenuta dall’utilizzo della Mappa di Kerr e del software IRaMuTeQ 0,7 Alpha2, la ricerca ha evidenziato i principali riferimenti normativi e concettuali, gli obiettivi, le risorse e i processi valutativi con cui i docenti definiscono, descrivono e rappresentano l’ASL, leva strategica per l’inclusione, sociale e lavorativa, dell’alunno con e senza disabilità.
L’alternanza scuola lavoro per gli studenti con e senza disabilità. Una prima analisi interpretativa comparativa tra lingua e contenuto dei Piani Triennali dell’Offerta Formativa (PTOF)
Sacchi, Fabio
In response to Law 107/2015, in Italy secondary schools are now called to develop, set up and ensure within their own educational statement work-related learning routes consistent with the output students’ profiles and the cultural, social and economic development of the territory. The paper presents a first study of the content and linguistic elements of the PTOFs of the secondary schools of Bergamo and province. Through a qualitative data analysis, obtained by using Map of Kerr and software IRaMuTeQ 0,7 Alpha2, the research highlighted the main normative and conceptual references, the goals, the resources and the evaluation processes with which teachers define, describe and represent work-related learning as a strategic lever for the social and work inclusion of the students with and without disabilitiesI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.