Fashion illustration is one of the most significant forms of visual communication of aesthetic models related to the clothing production. In this sector, the ability of design to trigger processes of social codes modification, through the propagation on a collective scale of cultural phenomena related to clothing, make it a key element in the construction of aesthetic identity. The direct synergy between artist and observer as well as the relationship between drawing and planning foreshadowing make fashion illustration an artistic expression between communication and design. The fashion repre-sentation also defines ideals through images. Figures, colours, objects, garments designed visually communicate part of a social imaginary founded, in a sort of semiotic entropy, also of words and symbols. This contribution investigates the ways of illustration in the last two centuries. Examining the literature that extends over different cultural spheres, it traces the different declinations of fashion illustration, highlighting the value of fashion design as an art form and at the same time as a powerful communication tool capable of clearly influencing the choices and tastes of different social classes.
L’illustrazione di moda costituisce una delle più significative forme di comunicazione visiva di modelli estetici legati alla produzione di abbigliamento. In tale settore, la capacità del disegno di innescare processi di modificazione di codici sociali, attraverso la propagazione su scala collettiva di fenomeni culturali correlati al vestiario, lo rendono elemento chiave nella costruzione dell’identità estetica. La sinergia diretta tra artista e osservatore nonché la relazione tra il disegno e prefigurazione proget-tuale, fanno infatti dell’illustrazione di moda una espressione artistica a cavallo tra comunicazione e progetto.La rappresentazione della moda definisce inoltre, mediante immagini, degli ideali. Figure, colori, ogget-ti, indumenti disegnati comunicano visivamente parte di un immaginario sociale fondato, in una sorta di entropia semiotica, anche di parole e simboli.Il presente contributo indaga sulle modalità di illustrazione degli ultimi due secoli. Esaminando una letteratura che si estende su diversi ambiti culturali, ripercorre le diverse declinazioni dell’illustrazione di moda evidenziando il valore del disegno di moda quale forma di arte e al tempo stesso quale potente strumento di comunicazione in grado di influenzare, in modo evidente, le scelte e i gusti delle diverse classi sociali.
Fashion Illustration between Art, Communication and Project
Stefano Chiarenza
Fashion illustration is one of the most significant forms of visual communication of aesthetic models related to the clothing production. In this sector, the ability of design to trigger processes of social codes modification, through the propagation on a collective scale of cultural phenomena related to clothing, make it a key element in the construction of aesthetic identity. The direct synergy between artist and observer as well as the relationship between drawing and planning foreshadowing make fashion illustration an artistic expression between communication and design. The fashion repre-sentation also defines ideals through images. Figures, colours, objects, garments designed visually communicate part of a social imaginary founded, in a sort of semiotic entropy, also of words and symbols. This contribution investigates the ways of illustration in the last two centuries. Examining the literature that extends over different cultural spheres, it traces the different declinations of fashion illustration, highlighting the value of fashion design as an art form and at the same time as a powerful communication tool capable of clearly influencing the choices and tastes of different social classes.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.